Dear Supporters,
The year 2022 marks 45 years of Center for Domestic Peace’s dedication to the eradication of domestic violence in Marin County and beyond. In 1977, the founders of Marin Abused Women’s Services (our former name) reported that when they investigated domestic violence in Marin, there was no record of family violence. Yet, women were dying at an alarming rate at the hands of their abusers. The social movement and passion of the time fueled them to organize, strategize, and mobilize to create Marin’s first hotline and emergency shelter.
We have had many firsts along the way: one of the first programs for men to unlearn their violent behavior (ManKind), one of the first transitional housing programs in the country (Second Step), and the first Spanish-speaking hotline in California. And now we have another first: Marin County is the only county in California to see a significant decrease in calls to law enforcement for domestic violence assistance.
In this issue of PeaceWatch, we highlight the success of our collaboration with law enforcement in addition to the incredible results of one of our programs that helps families and children experiencing domestic violence. You will also meet two remarkable members of our organization who are well deserving of this recognition.
Reflecting on our 45 years, it takes all of us – across every community, gender, age group, social class, and ethnicity – actively working together as a united community to end domestic violence.
As you think about your philanthropy goals for this year, please remember that your financial support is an act of generosity and compassion for the women, children, and men who benefit from our services. We are grateful to each and every one of you who support our work by contributing to C4DP – no amount is too small to make a difference.
Thank you!
Yours in peace and unity,
Cynthia Murray
Board Chair