Give to Center for Domestic Peace as an investment in a more peaceful and just world. We are a 501(c)3: Tax ID: 94-2415856.

Each year, we help thousands of individuals affected by domestic violence.

By Mail: Center for Domestic Peace, 734 A Street, San Rafael, CA 94901-3923.

By Phone: 415-526-2543

Online: Click the “Donate Now” button above. Or click here!


Want to donate CRYPTO – CLICK HERE

We rely on the generosity of many individuals and groups to support our work in Marin and beyond. Thank you!

Donor Privacy Policy: Confidentiality is very important to Center for Domestic Peace, both for the individuals we serve and for our donors. We will never share or sell your information.

To contact the Development Department directly, please call or email Marla Hedlund, Development and Community Relations Officer: [email protected].

Click here to see other ways to give!

*Please consider becoming a MONTHLY DONOR. Your hassle-free, recurring donation will provide a consistent and reliable source of funds that will allow us to plan ahead. Your credit card will be automatically charged, which you can suspend at any time. Know that your monthly investment will be put to work immediately!

Learn more about Donna Garske’s Social Transformation Legacy Fund by clicking here!

heart of marin

Find Your Reason and Give Today!

You can make a lasting difference in someone’s life!

Your donation amount and what it can fund:
$50    – a safe ride away from harm
$100  – 1 bednight of emergency shelter
$135  – 2 nights of Second Step transitional housing and support services
$250  – a week of groceries for a family in our program
$500  – 10 hours of trauma-informed therapy for a survivor