Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Network
“Promoting a community response to domestic violence and sexual assault”
Our Purpose: To bring together individuals, organizations and institutions to promote safety and mutual respect in relationships and reduce the number of domestic violence and sexual assault crimes in Marin County by improving and strengthening our community’s response.
4 Pillars:
- Policy and Data
- Preventing Future Abuse
- Response Training
- Marin CCR Management
Next Meeting: June 12, 1:00 – 3:00pm. RSVP to Jackie Palacios, Learning Systems Manager, Center for Domestic Peace (415) 526-2556 or email [email protected].
What is the Marin CCR?
Marin’s Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (Marin CCR) Network is hosted by the Marin County District Attorney’s Office and the Center for Domestic Peace. It is a voluntary group that is open to the public that inspires participants to learn about data, research, and best practices in addressing domestic violence, so we can better serve the people with whom we work, and so that knowledge can be transferred back to institutions for adoption. Our premise is that coordination and integration of justice systems, human services and advocacy responses to domestic violence should reduce its occurrence.
Marin CCR members are called upon to galvanize their organizations and professions into action that promotes safety and mutual respect in relationships and reduces the number of domestic violence crimes in Marin.
Our vision is for Marin CCR participants to become “Liaison Leaders” with the training they need to ensure that domestic violence and sexual assault policies, protocols, and procedures are in place and colleagues are trained. This way victims receive assistance from the ever-widening ‘safety net’ we are building – that is the Marin CCR. As victims reach out, our goal is that they are met with a coordinated response that increases their safety and links them from one support to the next.
Click here to see Directory of Marin County services for domestic violence and sexual assault victims and their families.
Click here for Marin CCR Resource Page.
How does it function?
Currently, C4DP co-facilitates the Marin CCR in partnership with the Marin County District Attorney. Meetings are held twice per year, and subcommittees meet as needed. Liaison Leaders are able to take the best practices back to their various organizations for integration and discussion. Meeting efforts focus on collaborating on how to improve the community-wide response to domestic violence, dating abuse, stalking, and sexual assault within Marin County. Community partners in the Marin CCR include individuals, organizations, and institutions representing criminal justice, victim advocacy, community-based responders, and mental health practitioners.

List of Recent Accomplishments
Data Collection And Evaluating Our Progress: Locally And State-Wide
- Law Enforcement (LE) DV Liaisons continued producing reports to the Marin CCR.
- Trend data from Marin County District Attorney’s Office and Court Protective Orders in now being included in biannual reports to the Marin CCR.
- Began development of Domestic Violence Response Protocols that Save Lives training program.
Policies And Procedures That Increase Victim Safety And Abuser Accountability
- Continued researching, identifying and educating participants on best practices, such as the Rapid Risk Assessment Program, for reducing serious assault.
- Presented “Is Your Relationship Affecting the Children?”, a new assessment tool for parents who are worried about the effects of their unhealthy relationship on their children.
- Ten new family and children’s service agencies were welcomed to the Marin CCR as it expands to include a new focus area, Children Exposed to Domestic Violence.
Preventing Future Abuse
- Presented ““Voices of Marin Against Youth Abuse Members” a video created by Marin Against Youth Abuse (MAYA) liaisons.
- Preventing Future Abuse subcommittee attended MAYA liaison meeting to discuss their current work and their ideas for the future.
Response Training That Increases Victim Safety And Abuser Accountability
- Marin County Police Departments are creating methods to track officer compliance with the Marin County Police Response to DV at-a-glance “Pocket Card”
Link here to Agendas and Resources Subpage
The Marin CCR consists of the following entities that offer a wide variety of resources for domestic violence and sexual assault victims, their children and abusers. It is open to the public. Let us know if you’d like to join us by contacting: Jackie Palacios, Learning Systems Manager, Center for Domestic Peace (415) 526-2556 or email [email protected].
Partners include:
Community-based Organizations
- Canal Alliance
- Community Action Marin
- Center for Judicial Excellence
- Fair Housing of Marin
- Family & Children’s Law Center
- Family Service Agency
- Family Works
- Homeward Bound
- Huckleberry Youth Programs
- Jewish Family and Children’s Services
- Latino Council of Marin
- Legal Aid of Marin
- Marin Advocates for Children
- Marin County Coalition Against Human Trafficking
- Marin Head Start
- Marin CASA Program
- Marin City Multidisciplinary Team – Isoji
- Marin Women’s Commission
- National Association for Mentally Ill (NAMI)
- North Marin Community Services
- Rally Family Visitation Services
- Soroptimists
- Shared Hope International
- The Spahr Center
- Southern Marin Community Connection
- Voces de Cambio
- West Marin Collaboration
Hospitals & Clinics
- Kaiser Permanente
- Marin General Hospital
- Marin County Office of Education
Government Agencies
- HHS, Children & Family Services
- Community Violence Solutions
- Department of Child Support Services
- Probation Department
Public Defender
Courts – Various Judicial Officials
Court Executive Officer
Private Practitioners
Batterer Intervention Programs
Employers – Various
Marin County District Attorney
Law Enforcement Jurisdictions
- Marin County Sheriff
- Mill Valley PD
- Fairfax PD
- San Rafael PD
- Ross PD
- Novato PD
- Sausalito PD
- College of Marin PD
- Central Marin PD
*Not a complete list
We recognize that power and control in domestic violence relationships creates unique challenges for victims with regard to safety, children, economics issues, the relationship with the batterer, external and cultural pressures, isolation from sources of support, and physical or logistical challenges. Marginalized and vulnerable populations are at even greater risk of isolation.
Coordination takes many forms, but at the core is our commitment to the following:
- We recognize a commitment to California’s domestic violence statutes and the provisions of the U.S. Department of Justice to promote practices that have been found to increase victim safety and batterer accountability;
- Using a shared method for case mapping and problem solving across differing criminal justice, government, and community based systems;
- Gaining discipline-specific training to respond and to investigate in ways that increase victim safety and abuser accountability;
- Gaining an understanding of each others’ roles;
- Increasing the number of governmental agencies, community-based organizations, and practitioners who represent the county’s most traditionally underserved and marginalized populations;
- Sharing information, and analyzing processes and responses to victims, their children, and batterers to determine how they are impacted by the systemic response to their case and how they can be improved to reduce incidents of DV; and
- To making a plan to improve the response of Marin County’s institutions and agencies towards the goal of reducing domestic violence.