Global Movement to End Domestic Violence

Violence against women and children is a human rights violation and public health epidemic.

Since inception in 1977, Center for Domestic Peace has been a part of the international movement to end violence against women and girls.  Working together as a movement here in the U.S., Center for Domestic Peace has played a role in shaping and advocating for local, state and national policy reform, including the Violence Against Women Act which was passed in 1994.  At the international level, C4DP continues to learn from the inspiring efforts of activists around the world working to eradication gender-based violence. We have also hosting and provided training to many of these individuals over the years.

Collectively, working from the grassroots level all the way to the United Nations level, activists around the world are shifting cultural norms, policies, and funding streams toward the goal of women and girls liberation from violence, harassment and intimidation. And by doing so, C4DP is creating a more safe and just world for women and girls, as well as men and boys.

Learn more about these global efforts at the following:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Futures Without Violence

Global Rights for Women

World Heath Organization


End Violence Against Women International

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