Medical and Mental Health Professionals
Here at Center for Domestic Peace we know that many individuals in Marin County seek the assistance of mental health professionals. We have created this page to help you help your clients who may be involved in a relationship that involves domestic abuse and/or violence. You may also want to look at other resources elsewhere on our website, including:
Safety & Empowerment
Resources for Victims
Calling the Police
As a reminder, many specifically recommend against seeing a couple in couples treatment that is actively experiencing domestic violence.
Dangers of Couples Counseling.pdf
The National Domestic Violence Hotline on why they don’t recommend couples counseling: click here!
First, let us tell you about the specific services we can provide you as you work with your clients:
- Resources
- Mental Health/Domestic Violence Consultation Group
- Trainings on RRAP
- Trainings on the Screening Steps
- Other trainings
Please contact us for information on any of the above. 415.457.2464
Second, let us tell you about the specific services we can provide your clients:
Court Accompaniment, RO Application Assistance, Divorce Assistance, Risk Management, Safety Planning, Connection to Referrals, support, and more.
Third, here are links to resources that you may find useful as you assess for the presence of domestic abuse/violence among your clients.
Restraining Orders:
Information on Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders
How to obtain one in Marin County?
What if he violates it? Call the police!