Programs to Stop Abuse
ManKind – A program for men to stop abusive behavior
ManKind classes are now held online via Zoom. To register, contact ManKind Administrative Line, (415) 457-6760 or email: [email protected]
Operated by Center for Domestic Peace
Are you a man and hurting someone you love?
ManKind is a class you might consider taking. It’s proven to bring joy and peace back into your life and intimate relationships. Call us today! (415) 457-6760.
“You can ask my wife and she’ll tell you that I am a better person since coming to the program.”
“I need this program…. I was mandated by the court once but now I am mandated by ‘me’…”
Click here for more men saying why this is so important.
Why should I go to ManKind?
The ManKind classes, under the direction of a trained class facilitator, provide a supportive environment in which men explore how they have come to adopt a belief system (known as the Male-Role-Belief System) in which they expect to have authority over their partners, and how this belief system has led them to violent behavior. The 52-week program teaches that men use physical, verbal, emotional, and sexual violence to enforce their superiority over their partners, i.e., get what they want when they want it.
Men have the opportunity to learn how they have confused their sense of self-worth, character, and personality with the authoritative male stereotype. Participants are given the tools to replace the false and destructive Male-Role-Belief System with a belief in equality, which leads to intimacy with their partners and supports justice for women and children in the community.
Classes are held online via Zoom. To register, please contact ManKind Administrative Line, (415) 457-6760 or email: [email protected]
Class Schedule:
Monday – 6:30PM-8:30PM
Tuesday – 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Wednesday – 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Saturday – 8:30AM -10:30AM
To pay your class fee, please click here.
More about ManKind and its philosophy:

In 1980, Center for Domestic Peace developed one of the nation’s first batterer education programs to work with men who are violent to their female partners to stop their violence and abuse. The two goals of ManKind are to help men end their immediate violence toward and abuse of their partners, and to engage men in community advocacy to change the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that support men’s violence against women and girls. ManKind utilizes a peer education approach to teach men to stop their violence.
ManKind includes several interlocking components and activities: education classes for male batterers and the active participation of ManKind graduates in community change work.
Men’s violence against women makes a devastating impact on their partners, families, and community, and it is a serious crime in our society. Each year 2 to 4 million women are beaten by their partners or ex-partner, and over 1,400 women are killed by a partner or former partner. Domestic violence is the second leading cause of injuries to women 15 to 44 years old and the number one most frequent violent crime in Marin County. Since its founding, ManKind has worked with over 29,000 men.
ManKind is based on three major principles:
- Men’s violence against women is learned behavior that can be unlearned. By doing so, men will be freed of destructive belief systems that have also harmed them.
- Men must be accountable for their violence.
- Community beliefs which support and encourage men’s violent behavior must be changed to end abuse, and men have a key role to play in changing those beliefs.
Pathways to Domestic Peace – Resources in Marin help men end cycle of violence:
In his own words, from ManKind class participants:
A recent blog post: Thank You ManKind!
2013 Letter of Thanks for a ManKind Participant.pdf
November 2013 Thank You to ManKind.pdf
“It is difficult to express in mere words the depth and importance of ManKind as you present it. Your work has had a profound impact on my life and is vitally important in our community. I have two weeks left in Second Stage and can state unequivocally that the program has given me a new lease on life. I want to thank ManKind for guiding me from that dark place where I lived with my Hit Man, the Righteous, Avenging Commandment, to the place where I am today. I am now in a place where I can feel and be the Joyful.”
“Thank you C4DP for the teachings of today`s and tomorrow`s generations. This work will have a growing and lasting positive effect to my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and their communities. Thank you. Truly!”
“ManKind saved me and saved my marriage.”
WomanKind (Mujer Gentil) – A program for women to stop abusive behavior
WomanKind/Mujer Gentil programs are indefinitely postponed effective May 23, 2022. Please check back periodically for an update or call our administrative line (415)457-6760
Operated by Center for Domestic Peace
A 52-week certified program to help women stop their violence in intimate relationships
- Is your anger creating problems for you?
- Has your aggression resulted in legal problems or trouble at home?
- Would you appreciate talking with others with similar circumstances and learning how they stopped using violence?
- Do you think others are responsible for your happiness or disappointments?
Domestic Violence Defined:
Intentionally or recklessly causing, or attempting to cause bodily injury to, or placing one’s dating partner, spouse or co-habitant, in reasonable apprehension of imminent serious bodily injury.
Take action. Be accountable. Come find out why, when and how women use violence. Learn strategies to promote equality in your relationships, and how to stop your violence.
Mujer Gentil – Un programa para mujeres para la intervención contra la violencia.
Debido a una transición de personal de C4DP, tendremos que posponer nuestro programa WomanKind/Mujer Gentil a partir del 23 de mayo de 2022 hasta el otoño de 2022.
Mujer Gentil es un programa de 52 semanas con certificación para ayudar a mujeres manejar su violencia en sus relaciones íntimas.
- ¿Su enojo le está causando problemas?
- ¿Su agresión ha resultado en problemas legales o problemas en el hogar?
- ¿Le gustaría hablar con otras personas con circunstancias similares y aprender cómo dejaron de usar la violencia?
- ¿Cree que otros son responsables por su felicidad o decepciones?
Las clases se imparten semanalmente a través de video conferecia por Zoom.
Para pagar el costo de su clase, haga clic aquí.