Men As Allies

Ending violence against women, girls, and in relationships, is a community problem that requires a community solution. One very important key to its success is the role men are playing as allies to women and girls to help end violence against women. To help promote this important idea, Center for Domestic Peace has dedicated space on our website to post relevant content, links, and videos that showcase what is being done by men in support of our cause.

Click here to learn how men can help end domestic violence!

Below is a video library of some of our favorites!

Jackson Katz on CBS This Morning talking about what men can do in light of the #MeToo Movement

CBS’s James Brown Delivers a Powerful Speech About Domestic Violence

Javier, a C4DP volunteer, tells his amazing story of inspiration and commitment to end violence against women

President Obama’s PSA during the Grammy’s – Take the pledge at

One Billion Rising: Robert Redford on why he is joining Eve Ensler’s campaign

Gillette video on toxic masculinity and what men can do to change the culture:

Enough PSA “Boys will be boys”