Why Donors Give
We often receive donations at our main office location at at A Street and are continually inspired by the generosity of so many wonderful supporters. The donations sometime come in online, sometimes in the mail, and occasionally are hand delivered. Often, we do not know the back stories, motivation, or people behind the gifts. But from time to time, the donations come to life for us.
For instance, there is a man who contributes regularly and generously in his wife’s memory, as she loved Marin Abused Women’s Services (MAWS – our name before 2010) and volunteered here years ago. There is a couple who contributes because ManKind changed his life, helping him to stop his violence, and the support groups gave the wife a place to find a sense of community and support as they worked to make their marriage healthy and loving. And there was a man who left C4DP a home in his will to support the long-term sustainability of the organization because he believed in the value of our work.
We also know about young people in the community who have done sock drives, collecting and donating socks for the shelter, because they just wanted to do something! There was a girl who made pajamas for the kids in the shelter and sent in $18 with them. There was a woman turning 32, doing 32 random acts of kindness for her birthday and she chose to support C4DP with donations. And there have been baby showers, clothing swaps, bake sales, and many more heartfelt activities that have supported us.
Each and every one of these actions, no matter how small or what the personal stories behind them are, are all part of the engine underneath C4DP, steering us closer and closer to our end goal of creating domestic peace here in Marin and beyond.
So if you are inspired to help or to get involved, please contact our Development office at 415.526.2543 or email [email protected].