Blog Posts
Gun Safety Forum #3: Domestic Violence & Firearms
Join the conversation, Monday, Oct. 25th, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m., Gun Safety Forum #3: Domestic Violence & Firearms RSVP for the ZOOM link: Submit questions in advance to [email protected] Closed captioning and live Spanish
PeaceWatch Newletter: Letter From C4DP Board Chair
Dear Supporters, As we write this newsletter, there is still so much uncertainty about the impact this pandemic has had on all of us both short and long term. We pause to reflect on what
PeaceWatch Newsletter: Cover Article
Planning Our Way Forward with Determination and Clarity The North Star is an amazing anchor situated in the Northern Sky. It is a landmark and marker that helps those who follow it determine direction. Center
PeaceWatch Newsletter: Partners Extraordinaire: DU and the Dominican Sisters
Partners Extraordinaire: Dominican University and the Beloved Dominican Sisters of San Rafael Work with C4DP Toward a World of Domestic Peace "We reverence and affirm the inherent dignity of each person. We will work for
PeaceWatch Newsletter: Shining a Light on the Link Between DV and Animal Abuse
Shining a Light on the Link Between Domestic Violence and Animal Abuse Animal abuse is often the first visible sign of a family in trouble. C4DP is partnering with Marin Humane to directly address this
PeaceWatch Newsletter: ManKind Facilitator
Meet Brett – ManKind Facilitator If you asked Brett before 2014 if he was a violent man, he would have said, “No way.” Two marriage counselors never mentioned any violence, yet as his marriage was
PeaceWatch Newsletter: Staff Profile
Staff Profile: Christina Schiffner Santschi, Grant Specialist & Data Manager Christina first discovered Center for Domestic Peace (C4DP) through a Craigslist ad online. She had just finished coursework at the University of California, Berkeley, pursuing
Free Online Therapy and Get Paid!
You are invited: 10 One-Hour Sessions of free therapy, online! You will be paid $500 for attending 10 sessions in a row! IN THIS TOGETHER Therapy for Children & Their Survivor Parents We are looking
Joint Statement: Domestic Violence Shelter Collaborative
Statement from the Bay Area Domestic Violence Shelter Collaborative Condemning Ongoing Anti-Asian Violence We, the Bay Area Domestic Violence Shelter Collaborative, stand in solidarity with Asian and Asian-American communities who continue to face unimaginable violence and